
Et udsnit af hvad tidligere klienter siger om os

“I followed Nordicdatalab’s course ‘Introduction to modern data analysis’ in May 2019. It was a fantastic course with a perfect balance between theory and hands-on lectures. The topics were spot on what I needed for my work as a senior scientist at Chr. Hansen and most of what I learned I went straight home to implement leading to more efficient and automatized workflows with superior reproducibility.”

As Datamanager at Rigshospitalet, R is an important tool in my everyday work. Beeing used to work with baseR, the incorporation of the tidyverse philosophy and grammar greatly improved the efficiency of my workflow. NordicDataLabs course ‘Modern Data Analysis in R’ was a solid introduction to the tidyverse and covered a wide range of topics from reading and wrangling to visualisation of data. Leon and Johannes provided excellent course material and had great tips, useful even for more experienced R users. I can highly recommend this course, both for beginners and advanced users of R.”

“God interaktion med os gennem hele undervisningen (dejlig åben og uformel tone) - Relevant og letforståeligt træningsmateriale”

“Vi deltog på Nordicdatalabs kursus Introduktion til moderne data analyse i R. Kurset var en god indføring i et fantastisk værktøj på en pædagogisk og forståelig måde. Vi har siden kurset arbejdet videre med R og er begyndt at erstatte tunge regnearksmodeller med mere præcise og ikke mindst hurtigere modeller. Leon og Johannes var gode til at sætte sig ind i vores udgangspunkt og sikre at vi var med hele vejen, til trods for at vi alle kom på kurset med meget forskellige udgangspunkter.”